National Holistic Pet Day


The term “holistic” has grown in popularity over the past years. As a caring pet parent, you may think of it as a healthy way of life. Which it is, in fact, “holistic” is commonly thought of as an approach that treats the mind, body and spirit.

Holistic health looks at the diet, environment and lifestyle to see if there are opportunities to improve upon it. August 30th is National Holistic Pet Day which is a beautiful chance to consider our pet’s whole health – from nutrition to any chronic conditions . When it comes to food and health care, we hope that you consider Holistic Select pet food. Your vet may offer natural approaches to health care such as massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic care and other noninvasive medical procedures. These are becoming more common for both people and pets.

4 Ways to Help Your Pet Live a More Holistic Life

Keep Your Pet’s Weight Healthy – There remains an epidemic of obese pets and if your pet is one of them, be aware that even a couple of extra pounds can put a lot of stress on Max’s body. Many pets will benefit from more frequent walks for multiple reasons – weight control, increased socialization and more bonding time with you.

Practice Doga – If you practice yoga at home, you know that the minute you roll out your mat, your dogs come running. Let them practice with you! In fact, doga (yoga with your dog) classes are popping up in parks around the country. Look for one near you where you can learn how to incorporate Fido into your downward facing dog.

Regular Grooming – While you may rely on your groomer to do the heavy lifting, your pet needs the in between maintenance sessions. Regular brushing removes loose and dead hair and keeps tangles to a minimum. There’s another benefit too. If you regularly take a few minutes to run your hands over your pet from nose to tail, you’re more apt to notice any unusual lumps. If you find anything, pay attention to it and make an appointment with your vet to make sure it’s nothing serious.

Nutrition – Diet and nutrition are at the cornerstone of good health. Holistic Select makes foods filled with good for your pet fruits and veggies including salmon, carrots and blueberries.

National Holistic Pet Day was started by Animal advocate Colleen Paige of Animal Miracle Foundation to raise awareness of this integrative approach which can lead to a longer and healthier life span. How will you celebrate this year?